3 ways to stress less

Stress is a condition that we all suffer from (at varying levels).

Whether its work, family or uni related there will be something that makes you want to tear your hair out. Stress is an important issue as it comes with serious side effects: headaches, fatigue, anxiety, restlessness, overeating... the list goes on. 
This blog will walk through my 3 top tips on how to stress less.
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Sleep is so so important and is the only time where your body is completely at rest and working to rebuild and repair your tissue and refresh your brain. 
Jennifer Lopez says sleep is her "weapon" and prescribes 8 hours a night. Sleep doesn't always come easy so the best ways to optimise sleep are to cut caffeine, breath deeply, sleep in a cool room and stop looking at your screen an hour before bed time.

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While your relaxation might not look nearly as glam as practicing yoga half way up a mountain, it is important that you can step back and take a minute to think about NOTHING. Just clear your head completely of all the things that are niggling away at you. 
Good ways to do this might be to hit the gym, get some candles out and have a bath or watch your favorite mindless tv show. Not only will this calm you down but it will enable you to approach problems from a fresh perspective. 

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If an aspect of your life is causing your stress (be it a person, your job or an obligation) then cut it out. Some people are just a drain on your energy and you don't actually need them.  This kind of life clear out can lead to a more productive and successful life .
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That will be all for now but thanks for reading, appreciate it x


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