How to get on top and stay on top

This blog post is about things you should maybe start while you're still young and beautiful BEFORE it's too late. After all, time flies when you are having fun. Although some of these tips may seem a little premature, it's only a matter of time till they start hitting home so take note and keep reading.

Tip number 1: Skincare, skincare and more skincare
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If you don't moisturise already then start now. Find a moisturiser that fits you: your skin type, budget and most importantly find one with a good SPF. Yes I know if you are reading from Scotland it may seem completely unnecessary,  but the sun is still there and any amount of exposure can damage your skin cells and will make you age faster. Eye cream is also great to prevent formation of wrinkles in the eye area. 

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Your early twenties are a great time to get out there and see things you've never seen before. Not only are you young and energetic but (usually) you're not tied down with serious commitments and you're free to do what you like and no one can tell you otherwise. Whether you take a whole year to work in a different country or take a month to tour around Asia you will make memories for a lifetime. However travel is expensive so leading on to my next tip-- 


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I myself am no mathematician but it doesn't take long to work out that SAAS isn't going to last forever and part time wages are not going to cut it. If you want to stay in the green then you may consider setting aside some money each month into a savings account to make sure you always have a fall back plan. So next time someone wants to book a spontaneous holiday- maybe you can say yes. 

That's all my tips for now, thankyou for reading and until next time! 
im out see ya GIF


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